Indian mythilogy of death dream
Indian mythilogy of death dream

indian mythilogy of death dream

The snake is the devil’s pawn to seduce you to go against the wishes of God. This goes back to the Biblical tales of Satan using a snake to manipulate Adam and Eve. Unlike Hinduism, Christian cultures treat snakes as malicious creatures, and dreaming about them brings only negativity in one’s life. As per Hindu Astrology, the presence of a snake in your chart is more often than not something negative. Therefore, dreaming of them only means that someone’s out there to harm you. Swami Shivanand saw snakes as sly and dangerous. However, not all Hindu interpretations are positive. And if a person chews or eats a snake, it indicates incoming wealth and children. If a snake bites a person, it foretells the curing of an ailment. In fact, according to Swapna Shastra, snake dreams indicate only positivity. Dreaming of a snake in water signifies purity. Seeing a snake come out of a body part symbolizes that the body part will soon be in some physical trouble. Seeing a vast snake forewarns a possible misfortune. Other interpretations state that being bitten by a snake is lucky while killing one is considered extremely unlucky. For Hindus, this awakening holds an extremely significant spiritual meaning- wisdom and fertility, a way to find personal balance within the cosmic chaos. The imagery of the snake uncoiling and causing around a thousand lotus petals to open up is used to describe this awakening. Dreaming of a snake means that an individual’s kundalini is finally awakening. In other such interpretations, the snake becomes symbolic to the kundalini, often represented as a coiled serpent resting at the base of the spine.

indian mythilogy of death dream

Similarly, if one dreams about catching a snake, it is a symbol of victory over the darkness in your life. Shiva wears the snake as a symbol of control over dark forces. The symbol of a Naga (king cobra) is quite common, and the first image to pop in our heads is the one of Lord Shiva. Hindus have always revered and feared snakes. Read on to know the different interpretations of these dreams: In Hinduism Ergo, it is only befitting that we have multiple cultural and religious connotations attached to those dreams. Every single person in this universe has dreamed about a snake at least once. Be it the temptress, or the God, or your repressed sexual energy, or knowledge and wisdom, snakes have been equated to a vast array of things. Whatever the reason might be, snakes hold a powerful symbolism in all the cultures. And to date, there is no concrete reason why. Of all the animals on this Earth, snakes are the most mystical creatures. Are you dreaming about snakes – Why Do We Have Them? Published on July 10, 2019

Indian mythilogy of death dream